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Pharmacotherapeutic options in sarcoidosis: how can we improve them?
26-6-2014, Anne (J.P.) Cremers
Antioxidant adaptations in liver fibrogenesis
16-4-2014, Marjolein H. Tiebosch
ABC transporters as therapeutic targets for liver fibrosis
6-1-2014, A.U. Rehman
Mouse Models of cholestatic liver disease: pfic revisited
15-11-2013, C. Kunne
Chronic hepatitis C: clinical and societal evaluations
21-6-2013, D.M. Hotho
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: from patient to population
21-6-2013, E.M. Koehler
Long-term Clinical Outcome of Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B
21-12-2012, R. Zoutendijk
Human liver cell lines for the AMC-bioartificial liver
23-11-2012, G. Nibourg