Welcome to the website of the Netherlands Association for the Study of the Liver (NASL). In Dutch, the association is known as the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hepatologie (NVH).
This site is meant for all those who are professionally involved in hepatology research, in the broadest sense of the term. The goal of the NASL is to stimulate research in hepatology, and to promote the application of knowledge concerning liver and bile-duct physiology and pathophysiology in clinical and (translational) basic research settings . In addition, the NASL aims to encourage scientific interactions between researchers in various areas of hepatology and clinicians with an interest in the liver. The association is also a networking organization for hepatological subjects at national and international level (the latter in conjunction with EASL – the European Association for the Study of the Liver).
This page provides an English summary of the key parts of the NASL website, for those who are not (yet) fluent in Dutch. The site includes a restricted section, which is only accessible to NASL members. Members can obtain a personal login name and password from the secretarial office.
You can apply for membership by filling in the form that opens when you click this link: Become a member. There is an annual membership fee of € 75.
NASL membership has many advantages, such as reduced admission fees for NASL events (see below), and opportunities to obtain travel expenses to cover the costs of attending meetings and of international collaborative visits. Other benefits of membership are that it can help you obtain funding for the publication of a PhD thesis, and make you eligible for a range of competitive prizes (for Best Abstract, Best Paper, Young Hepatologist or Distinguished Hepatologist).
Overview NASL yearly conferences and working groups
print Poster NASL 2021
If you wish to comment on the contents of this website , or if you have any suggestions regarding improvements, please send an email to:
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hepatologie
P.O. Box 657
2003 RR Haarlem
The Netherlands
Telephone:+31 (0)23 – 55 13 016
Email: secretariaat@nvh.nl