ATP8B1 and cellular trafficking
11-4-2017, V.A. van der Mark
Risk stratification in cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure: exploration of invasive and non-invasive prognostic markers
15-3-2017, A.J.C. Kerbert
The entanglement of NASH and Atherosclerosis – Shared features of a macrophage-specific response
12-1-2017, M.L.J. Jeurissen
BDCA3+ Dendritic Cells and Their Function in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection
10-1-2017, E. van der Aa
Diagnosis and Management of Hepatic and Renal Cyst Infection
6-12-2016, M.A. Lantinga
Antiviral therapy for chronic HCV infection – Tolerability and outcome
23-11-2016, R. Maan
Biomarkers to assess graft quality in liver transplantation
26-10-2016, C.J. Verhoeven
Hepatocelluar carcinoma: Risk groups, surveillance and outcome
4-10-2016, S. van Meer
Chronic hepatitis C virus infection in chimpanzees: prevention and consequences
18-2-2016, B.E. Verstrepen
Thrombophilia and genetics in liver disease
18-2-2016, E.P.C. Plompen